+Colabor HSLU – Design Film Kunst

The Immersive Lab


In the Immersive Lab the participants will create experiments with VR painting softwar, design virtual spaces in Web3D & for Digital Ideation students interactive experiences with Unity. In interdisciplinary teams the participants explore together the frameless 3D world. Through this approach, students will reflect on conventional narrative forms, broaden their horizons with new spatial design possibilities, collaborate from a distance and gain insight into new software such as Gravity Sketch, Quill, Spatial.io, a bit of Blender and the game engine Unity (for DI Students).

In the first part, the participants are immersed in the virtual reality and will receive introductions in spatial storytelling and experience new ways on how to design objects & spaces in VR.
In parallel, various immersive experiments will be created in interdisciplinary groups. Students will therefore have the choice to create either a project in object design, animation, a spatial painting or a simple interactive application. It is important to create as much work as possible and to learn quickly from failures. The experiments will be presented in group discussions at regular intervals.
In the third part, the groups or individuals work on projects in partly supervised self-study, so that they can present their work at the IDA exhibition. There will also be guest lectures by representatives of the VR industry.

Lecturers: Christophe Merkle, Janina Woods, Reto Spöerri, Zoe Röllin, Allison Crank,